Bringing Diverse People
together through
Cooking, Art & Culture activities
Our website has moved!!!
Visit us at our new site.

What's New
Dec 12, 2019
We have changed our website!!!
Check out the new sharingcaringculture.org and find out more!
Oct 19, 2019
Volunteers wanted for intercultural education monitoring
SCC has awarded a grant from docomo mobile communication fund and we are going to carry out the "kruco×kruco for kids "cultural diversity education project with that grant. Wanted monitoring members for the educational assessment. Monitoring members are available to join the cultural program for free. Click here for further information.
Aug 31, 2019
SCC has awarded a docomo MCF grant !
We are honor to inform you that SCC has awarded a grant
from docomo Mobile Communication Fund for the year 2019!!!We are very thankful for the grant that we will be able to offer“kruco × kruco for kids”,diversity-inclusion educational programs for school-age children.
Jul 13, 2019
Family Art Event with Storytime “Cutout” collage like Mattise!
SCC is going to have a family art event in English
at Dadway Learning Center on July 28th.
Bring your scissors and enjoy cutting out the paper.
What does the cut-out shape look like?
Create a collage work and put them in a picture frame.
We will hold a small exhibition at the end of the session.
For further information, click here below.
Jun 23, 2019
Gran Japon Active Summer Kids Program 2019
SCC has been in collaboration with Gran Japon and organizing Gran Japon Active Summer Kids Program. We have opened the registration on June 24th. Check out the flyer and book your child's seat while you still can!
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News Room
SCC is featured on following media;
【Sep.6.2018 Town News Tsuzuki】
【Jun.21.2018 Town News Tsuzuki】
【Mar.8.2018 Junior Ryugaku Net】
Global Mom's https://goo.gl/jNvYCY
【Sep.10.2015 Morinooto】