Open Factory with craft making workshop
September 27, 2019
■■■OPEN FACTORY ーLearn and Create!
Craft workshop for kids ■■■
Sharing Caring Culture will be holding a collaboration project with
Three High Co., Ltd., an industrial heater manufacturer in Tsuzuki.
We will offer a guided factory tour in English and make a smartphone
cradle with industrial waste.
Three High has been actively engaged in local community building and
offering factory tours for residents and schools.
This time the factory aims to interact with international residents in the area
so why not join us?
It's a great chance to see the local Japanese factory with your family!
Details are as follows;
■ Date & Time
Sat. September 28,2019
Cafe & Factory DEN, Three High Co., Ltd.
Higashi Yamata 4-42-16, Tsuzuki Ward
☆Closest station: Higashi Yamata
(Green Line of Yokohama Subway)
☆Parking space is available.
*Please contact SCC if you need
■ Fee
1,500 per child
☆Craft material cost, insurance & lunch included
☆Additional lunch is available with 500 yen.
(Reservation in advance is required.)
■Breakup of the Day
〇 10:00am-10:30am
Factory Tour
〇 10:30am-12:00pm
Craft Making Workshop
〇 12:00pm- 1:00pm
Lunch time
■Sign up & Inquiry
RSVP email to the SCC by Sep 25 at
with your name, telephone number, and the email subject: open factory

Kids Yoga
August 31, 2019
Kids Yoga ~キッズヨガ~
Sun. Sep 1
Breathing techniques not only improve kids’ posture
but help children manage their emotions and
develops children’s concentration.
Through playful exercises, children challenges yoga postures
and encouraged to stimulate their senses which will be
a base of development.
This is a kids yoga session offering breathing play
and sensorial movement.
<Breakup of the day>
○Self Introduction
○Warm up
Body check, Breathing play
○Game ゲーム
Playful activities to get kids moving!
○Yoga posture
Stimulate your creativity in a pair work
○Relaxation time
<Instructor> Asuka Takemata
A-Yoga mind and body movement therapy certified instructor
Finished My move creator training course , Nutritionist
Junior high school ・senior high school Teacher’s Certificate (Home ecomomics)
Has a career of swimming and exercising instructor.
Engaged in teaching a wide range of people from baby to senior
to have fun with exercise.
Sun. Sep 1st 10:30am-11:30am
◉ Venue
Yamauchi Chiku Center 3F Hiroma
◉ Capacity of Seats
12 children
◉ Ages
Upper 4yrs
◉ Fee
1,000yen per child

Elena's English Afterschool
July 29, 2019
Enjoy fun-filled class for children upper 6yrs.
The 90-minute programs include storytime, crafts,
and games. Snack will be offered!
●Date& Time:Tue. July 30th 1:30pm-3:30pm
●Participation Fee:¥2,000 / per child
(Includes craft material, snack)
●Venue:Gran Japon
3-17-5 Azamino Minami, Aoba-ku, Yokohama *5 min walk from Azamino station
●Capacity: 6 seats
***HOW to SIGNUP***
Please send email to
with your child’s name, child’s age, parent ’s name,
phone number where you can be reached
with the email subject : English afterschool

Round table talk with an expert -“Raising Children in Japan”
June 21, 2019
This is for international parents who are raising children in Japan.
The intercultural education professor will lead the dialogue in English.
We will talk about the concerns and worries in regards to
childrearing in Japan and share the experiences.
This will be run in English. Easy Japanese translation is also available
The professor Uchida will listen attentively and help us have a good discussion where all views can be voiced in a safe and respectful environment.
◉Date&Time:Saturday, June 22nd, 2019
◉Venue: Artforum Azamino 3F Meeting Room
◉Facilitator:professor Chiharu Uchida
faculty of human care and support of Toyo University
◉Max : 15 people
◉Participation Fee :¥500
(Honey tea & biscuit will be served)
◉Child care service is available for kids upper 18 months at kids room in Artforum. The charge will be ¥900 for 90 min. Reservation is needed. Call 045-910-5724
<How to join>
Please RSVP by June 20 at

Photo Scrapbook Making in English
June 08, 2019
⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎Making memories that last!⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎
Have you thought I wish I could make a scrapbook
but just don’t have time?
SCC is going to hold a crafty workshop at the library
and our director Elena will show us how to make scrapbook base
by a very easy, simple and affordable way.
Bring your photos and preserve your favorite memories!
Date: Sunday,June9th 2019
Time: 10:30am-12:00pm
Venue: Shimomaruko Library
Participation fee: FREE of charge
Instructor: Elena Quesada Diaz
What to bring: 3-5 photos for scrapbooking
*Advance registration is required.
RSVP at by Monday,June3 2019
to assure your slot.

Pediatric Emergency Medical Care Seminar
March 19, 2019
Aoba Lafull childcare supporting center will hold a seminar
on pediatric emergency medical care on March 20th, 2019.
This is a seminar for international families who are
raising little children in Aoba and neighborhood area
and who wants to know information on getting medical help
or visiting a doctor and hospital in an emergency.
Translation is available.
Reserve your spot with your preferred language!!!
Wed. March 20th 13:30pm-15:00pm
Aoba Ward Childcare Supporting Center Lafull 1F
5 min walk from Aobadai station on Den-en Toshi Line
●Free of Charge
●Lecturer: Staff from Yokohama city Medical Bureau
●How to Register: RSVP by Tuesday, March 12
Call at 045-981-3306 or send FAX at 045-981-3307
with participant’s name and phone number where you can be reached on the day,
and with or without translation service (write the language you request)
with subject: Pediatric Emergency
SCC is supporting this seminar so if you have any questions, feel free to ask us!!!

GLOBAL CAFE 〜 スウェーデンの難民児童・青年受入れの事例から考える 〝ダイバーシティ〝~
February 10, 2019
<Japanese follows English 英文の後、日本語の詳細が続きます>
How do we want to live with foreign residents in Japan?
Let’s learn it with Ms. Makiko Jonsson who has been in Sweden for 16 years with working experience in the immigrant/refugee center in South Sweden for 7 years.
Makiko is originally from Japan. After she worked for J-phone etc. in Tokyo, she got married to a Swedish man in 2003 and moved to Sweden. Since then, she has learned the Swedish language, got a job and worked very hard for the immigrant/refugee center while raising up two children.
As broadly known, Sweden is one of the countries well-known for its education, robust welfare system and positive acceptance of the immigrants/ refugees. Have you imagined what it is really like? Let’s learn both of good/ difficult aspects from Makiko’s professional experience. In the latter half, let’s enjoy a talk about Diversity that we would like to enhance, over a tea. 😀
⭐️venue meeting room 3, Artforum Azamino
⭐️time 2-4pm
⭐️participation fee 500yen
⭐️The event will be held in Japanese, but a translation is available accordingly.
⭐️Attendance with kids is welcome.
⭐️Please note that the organizer (SCC) is a politically neutral, aiming for enhancement of active dialog and learning.
⭐️開催場所 アートフォーラムあざみ野会議室3
⭐️開催時間 pm2-4時
⭐️参加費 500円
Nucharee Goi x "Points of You"
August 25, 2018
<Japanese follows>
Join us for a self-discovery workshop of “Points of You”, at a beautiful Japanese-style garden house, inviting a charming facilitator from Thailand.
Life could not be more enthusiastic and unique than her life! Nucharee Goi was born in a farm family in Thai. She enjoyed her peaceful girlhood surrounded by beautiful nature. However, her experience of a life-threating traffic accident got her interested in interpersonal communication on a deeper level.
She started her professional career at L’oreal, P&G etc. as a training manager. She currently works as a professional facilitator for the area of Talent management, Coaching and Leadership etc. She has a wide range of clients, more than 100, from a high-brand company such as Microsoft, Nike to a governmental organization, a university, even a Woman-jail where many women have struggled with themselves to pull them up for their 2nd life. Why would the clients like to work with her repeatedly? You will see that in her facilitation! “Points of You” and Nucharee will be inspiring you to explore yourself deeper inside. And, to make it a better place!
- Date/time: Sunday, August-26 13:30-16:00pm
- Venue: Ryou-tei, Kiyosumi-garden
- Fee: 3,000 yen (+150yen for entrance fee)
- No preparation needed!
- Facilitator: Nucharee Goi, Thai (NLP, A certified trainer of “Point of You”, Graduated from Thammasat University, A mother of two beautiful daughters)
- Points of You: Visit a website to learn “Points of You”. (
- Language: English/Japanese
- Registration: Email at or sign up from the Book Now button.
“Points of You”のワークショップに参加しませんか?タイから来日するファシリテーターと一緒に、違いを楽しむ時間を過ごしましょう!
Nucharee Goiは、農家で生まれ、豊かな自然に囲まれて少女時代を過ごしました。しかし、大きな交通事故を経験し、その後、対人コミュニケーションにより深く興味を持つようになりました。
- 日時:8月26日(日) 13:30-16:00pm
- 会場:清澄庭園・涼亭
- 参加費::3,000 円(+入園料150円)
- 準備や持ち物は不要です。
- ファシリテーター: Nucharee Goi, タイ (NLP, “Point of You” 認定トレーナー, Thammasat 大学卒, 二女の母)
- Points of You::多くの企業の研修にも採用実績のあるコーチングツールです。 (
- 言語: 英語・日本語。(通訳あり。グループワークでは、日本語のみのグループも作ります。)
- 申し込み:mayumimatsuda71@gmail.comまでメールにてお申し込みいただくか、Book Now ボタンからもお申込みください。

フィンランド教育講演会 & ワークショップ
June 03, 2017
Finnish education Seminar and Workshop
フィンランド教育講演会 & ワークショップ
Why are Finland’s school successful?
We organize seminar and workshops with expert
who can provide us with information on the Finnish education system.
This is a great opportunity to pick up some tips from the Finnish approach,
making the top educational performer in Europe and
one of the strongest in the world!
●Date&Time :
>> Seminar / Saturday JUNE 24th 13:00-15:00
講演会 6月24日(土)13:00-15:00
>> Workshop / Thursday JULY 6th 10:30AM-12:00
ワークショップ 7月6日(木)10:30-12:00
※ Please note that these are not series. No need to attend all the sessions.
●Venue 会場
>>Seminar : 講演会
Seminar Room 1 2F Art forum Azamino
アートフォーラムあざみ野 2F セミナールーム1
>>Workshop :Gran Japon Azamino Salon
*6min walk from Azamino sta.
横浜市青葉区あざみ野南3丁目17-15 (有)グランジャポン内ショップ
●Participation fee 参加費
* 2,000 yen / per each session 各回 2,000円
●Lecturer 講師
Shikiko Mizuhashi 水橋史希子 協会代表
: President of the Finnish Education Association and parenting consultant
●How to Register 申込み方法
件名:『フィンランド教育申込み 』にて下記の必要事項をご記載の上、 までメールをお送りください。 もしくは、下記の申込みボタンを
・参 加 者 全 員 の お 名 前(フルネーム/フリガナ)
Please send email at with each participant's name,
occupation, phone number where you can be reached,
and the email subject : Finnish Education.
Or click the BOOK NOWbutton here below.

【Sharing Caring CULTURE×Parent Steps 子育てセミナーのご案内】
June 17, 2016
【Sharing Caring CULTURE×Parent Steps 子育てセミナーのご案内】
◎日 程
◎時 間
◎場 所
アートフォーラムあざみ野 2階
* お1人様2,000円
* ご夫婦でご参加される場合
1組3,000円 (お1人様1,500円)
* お友達とご参加される場合
* 託児有
講 師:須賀 義一(保育士おとーちゃん)
2009年からブログ『保育士おとーちゃんの子育て日記』を開設。一般に当たり前と考えられている子育て方法の問題点を示し、現代の子育てに合った具体的 な関わり方を伝え、また、多くの人からの子育ての悩み相談にも応える。現在は、子育てアドバイザーとして、講演、研修、育児相談、コラム執筆、監修等をし ている。著書に『保育士おとーちゃんの「叱らなくていい子育て」』(PHP文庫)『保育士おとーちゃんの「心がラクになる子育て」』(PHP文庫) 。