Cross-cultural Cooking
TRY JAPAN! Family Riceball Making
October 19, 2019
■■■ Family Riceball Making Event ■■■
Join us for Japanese cultural experience with your family
at a folk house, Tsuzuki Minka-en.
We will cook rice in a special pan called "kama"
which is a traditional Japanese way of cooking rice.
Freshly cooked rice is totally different from the one you cooked
with an electronic rice cooker at home.
Enjoy riceball making with your family!
●Date&Time:Sun. October 20,2019 10:30am-12:30pm
●Location : Tsuzuki Minka-en
●Access: Get off at Center Kita Station of Yokohama Municipal Subway.
8min-walk from Center Kita Station.
●Fee: ¥500 per person
* Riceballs, miso soup will be served
●Capacity of seats: 10 child-parent pair
*Children of all ages available.
- How to cook rice with Kama
- Japanese picture story show "Kamishibai"
- Japanese traditional play
- Riceball making
- How to eat Japanese vegetables, Komatsuna?
Introduction of Komatsuna recipe
- Meal Time
- Closing
● Sign Up
RSVP by October 13th
We will be closing the registration when it reaches the capacity of seats.
● Inquiry
Send email to or
Click " BOOK NOW申込み" on this page to sign-up.
*Program planned and implemented by
NPO法人Sharing Caring Culture
Eve's Thai Cooking "Thai Pork Toast" for kids
July 29, 2019
Have you decided this summer break schedule for your kids?
Have fun cooking in English and learn Thai culture.
Experience Thai original game and play together!!!
●Date& Time:Tue. July 30th 10:30am-12:30pm
●Venue:Gran Japon
3-17-5 Azamino Minami, Aoba-ku, Yokohama
*5 min walk from Azamino station
●Participation Fee:¥2,500 / per child
(Includes recipe, food prepared on the day)
●Capacity: 6 seats
*First come first served, RSVP required
●Children upper 6years recommended
***HOW to SIGNUP***
Please send email to
with your child’s name, child’s age, parent ’s name,
phone number where you can be reached
with the email subject : Thai cooking
Family Fun! German Macrobiptic Cooking in English
March 01, 2019
ーEnjoy cross-cultural activities at SCC!ー
Family Fun!
German Macrobiotic Cooking in English
The German kitchen may be known for its meat dishes
but the modern German cuisine offers more than that.
We will make fried soba rissoles from soba grain, carrots, parsley,
garlic and onions and serve them with a yogurt dip, sauerkraut
and a garden salad with fresh dill.
The dish is very easy to cook and recook and fun
for the whole family.
|Date&Time|Sat. March 2nd 10:30am~12:30pm
|Place| Artforum Azamino Kitchen 3F
6-minute walk from Azamino station
|Max| 15 families / 1 adult (mom or dad) & 1 child pair
*Reccomend age : upper 4yrs
|Instructor| Kai Draeger
|Cost |¥2,000 per family
¥1,000 per additional child
| Registration |
Registration period : Feb1st~ 23rd
or send email to with your child’s name, child’s age, parent name, a phone number where you can be reached, and the email subject: Family Fun

Family Fun! Japanese Cooking in English
January 18, 2019
Get your kids involved in the cooking with simple tasks even the littlest can engage!
Nahoko who offers a Japanese cooking class for foreign tourist in Tokyo will show us
how to prepare tasty thick sushi rolls.
This program is run in English.
Menu: Thick Sushi Rolls
|Date & Time| Sat. January 19th, 2019 10:30am-12:30pm
|Location| Artforum Azamino 3F Kitchen 5 minutes walk from Azamino Station on Den-en–toshi Line or Yokohama Municipal Subway (Blue Line)*Charged parking is available. Need to book in advance. Call ☎045-914- 5910
|Instructor| Nahoko Ohuchi owner of YOROKOBI kitchen
|Participation Fee| ¥2,000 1adult and 1child pair
*Includes recipes and food prepared during class¥500 for additional child
|Condition / Max|For children upper 3 years
Space is limited to 10 parent-child pair
|How to Register|
Send e-mail to with your child’s name, child’s age, parent’s name, phone number, and the email subject: Sushi
|Registration Period|
Registration is first-come-first-served.
RSVP by January 12th,2019
|Childcare|Children between 18 months ~preschoolercouldapply for child care in Kodomo no-heya. Booking is needed in advance 4days prior to the session date. Call ☎045−910−5724 at Kodomo no-heya. If you are living, working or studying in Yokohama city and are needing financial assistance, you may claim an exemption for your child care expenses. For more details, contact ☎045−910−5700
For any questions or need further information, please contact us at or
※We will conduct the collection, usage, and provision of personal information legally and use for project-related purposes only.
Tang's Chinese Dumplings
November 23, 2018
<日時> 11月24日(土)10:30~12:30
<会場> 鴨志田地域ケアプラザ 多目的ルーム&調理室
<対象・定員> 小学生以上(未就学児は、保護者同伴の場合、参加可能)
<講師> 丹 藝
<参加費> ¥500 /1人
<持ち物> エプロン、三角巾、ハンドタオル、あれば麺棒(小)
keiko.scc@gmail.comまでメールにてお申込みいただくか、下記のBook Now からお申込みください。

Family Fun! Thai Cooking in English
December 08, 2018
Have you wanted to know how to cook a Thai dish?
Join in making an authentic Thai cuisine!
This is a hands-on cooking run in English.
Menu: ●Thai Pineapple Fried Rice
●Yum Woon Sen (Bean thread nooldles salad)
|Date & Time| Sun. December 9th, 2018 10:30am-12:30pm
|Location| Artforum Azamino 3F Kitchen 5 minutes walk from Azamino Station on Den-en–toshi Line or Yokohama Municipal Subway (Blue Line)*Charged parking is available. Need to book in advance. Call ☎045-914- 5910
|Instructor| Rujida Nakamura
|Participation Fee| ¥2,000 1adult and 1child pair
*Includes recipes and food prepared during class¥500 for additional child
|Condition / Max|For children upper 3 years
Space is limited to 10 parent-child pair
|How to Register|
Send e-mail to with your child’s name, child’s age, parent’s name, phone number, and the email subject: Thai cooking
|Registration Period|
Registration is firstcome first served.
RSVP by December 2nd,2018
|Childcare|Children between 18 month ~preschoolercouldapply for child care in Kodomo no-heya. Booking is needed in advance 4days prior to the session date. Call ☎045−910−5724 at Kodomo no-heyaIf you are living, working or studying in Yokohama city and are needing financial assistance, you may claim an exemption for your child care expenses. For more details, contact ☎045−910−5700
|Inquiry / Contact|
For any questions or need further information, please contact us at or
※We will conduct the collection, usage and provision of personal information legally and use for project-related purposes only.
Family Fun! - Malaysian Cooking in English
October 19, 2018
Where is Malaysia? What is Halal?
Have educational fun cooking
through making traditional Malaysian snacks with
your kids! This is a hands-on cooking run in English.
●Murtabak (the meat-onion filling with homemade bread dough)
●Cekodok Pisang (Malaysian Banana Fritters)
|Date & Time|
Sat. October 20th, 2018
Artforum Azamino 3F Kitchen
5 minutes walk from Azamino Station on Den-en–toshi Line
or Yokohama Municipal Subway (Blue Line)
*Charged parking is available.
Need to book in advance.
Call ☎045-914- 5910
Ahlami Wan Muhammad
|Participation Fee|
¥2,000 1adult and 1child pair
*Includes recipes and food prepared during class
¥500 for additional child
|Condition / Max|
For children upper 4 years
Space is limited to 10 parent-child pair
|How to Register|
Send e-mail to with your child’s name,
child’s age, parent’s name, phone number, and the program
you are coming with email subject: Family Fun
|Registration Period|
*Space is limited for each program.
Registration is firstcome first served.
We accept your registration duringthese period below;
September 20th ~ October 13th
Children between 18 month ~preschoolercouldapply
for child care in Kodomono-heya. Booking is needed
in advance 4days prior to the session date.
Call ☎045−910−5724 at Kodomono-heya
If you are living, working or studying in Yokohama city andare
needing financial assistance, you may claim an exemption for your child care expenses.
For more details, contact ☎045−910−5700
|Inquiry / Contact|
For any questions or need further information, please contact us at or
※We will conduct the collection,usageand provision of personal information legally and use for project-related purposes only.
|Project Planned and Implemented by|
Sharing Caring Culture
This is “The gender equality project proposal 2018” collaborated with Gender equality center Yokohama north and funded by Yokohama city subsidy 2018 for raising awareness of diversity, and promoting the activities of foreign residents.
Gran Japon Active Summer Kids Program ナビラさんと英語でフィリピンのおやつづくり
August 06, 2018
Kids English cooking class is available on this summer break
at Gran Japon 's Active Summer Kids Program 2018!
We have held this Filipino Snack Making Class in 2017, and received some requests repeatedly.
We are pleased to have Nabila for the instructor again!
She is going to show us how to make Halo-halo, popular Filipino dessert.
Enjoy Philippines’ ultimate summer quencher with us and
encourage your child’s culinary curiosity in English !
*This class is suitable for children (UPPER 4 YEAR OLDS)
■Date& Time 日時
8月 7日(火) Tuesday, August 7th 10:30AM-12:30 AM
■Venue 会場 Gran Japon Salon
A 5-minute walk from Azamino station on Den-en Toshi line
or Yokohama Municipal Subway Blue-line
■Cost 参加費
1,000 yen / 1child お子様お一人 ¥1,000
*¥500 for additional child 追加児童1人につき¥500
■Class Size 定員
Limited to 8 children. 先着8名
*Classes are filled on first-come basis. Early reservations are encouraged.
■Instructor 講師
Nablia Lim Conde (SCC director, Royal English owner, TESOL qualified English teacher)
■menue メニュー
・Halo Halo フィリピン風かき氷
■Registration 申込み
Please send email to with your child’s name,
child’s age, parent ’s name, phone number where you can be reached,
and the email subject : halo halo
件名『halo halo』でお子様のお名前、年齢、保護者名、当日可能な連絡先を明記の上、keiko.scc@gmail.comまでメールにてお申込みください。

Haral Cooking with Jahra
July 27, 2018
■□■ GLOBAL KITCHEN at Heart Cafe 2018 ■□■
Enjoy Haral cooking with Jahra!
Why not share some recipes around the world at SCC GLOBAL KITCHEN?
Jahra-san from Bangladeshi shows us how to make her home country’s
traditional snacks in English!
Egg Halwa (sweet dessert made of egg)
Jhal pitha (spicy pitha)
Instructor: Prothoma Jahra
*This is a cooking class instructed in English.
The whole class is hands-on and you are actively involved in the process of cooking.
【Class Date & Time 】
Sat July 28th 13:30pM-15:30 PM
【Venue】Artforum Azamino 3F Kitchen
5 minutes walk from Azamino StationonDen-en–toshi Line or
Yokohama Municipal Subway (Blue Line)
【 Class Size 】
Limited to 15 people
*Classes are filled on first-come basis. Early reservations are encouraged.
【 Registration 】
Registration is accepted at Pal system Kanagawa, the organizer of the event "Heart Cafe 2018".
Please sign up your seat from here.
GLOBAL KITCHEN-Cooking in English
ネイティブに習うGLOBAL KITCHENで世界の家庭料理に挑戦しませんか?
メニュー:エッグ ハロワ
講師 : Prothoma Jahra さん
【日時 】7月28日(土)13:30pm - 15:30pm
【場所 】アートフォーラムあざみ野3階 調理室
【参加費】 ¥300 (会場費、講習代、食材費、レシピ代込み)
【定員】 10名*先着順に受付けますので、お早めにお申し込みください。

GLOBAL KITCHEN - Ivy's Autumn Cupcakes
November 19, 2017
- Ivy's Autumn Cupcakes
Learn to decorate autumn themed cupcakes from scratch.
Instructor from Canada will teach us in English !
●Date & Time 日時:
Monday November 20th, 10:30AM-12:00
●Cost 参加費: 2,000yen
●Instructor 講師 : Ivy Choy Ohya
●Class Size 定員: Limited to 15
●Menu メニュー:
Autumn Cupcakes served with coffee or tea
●Registration 申込み
Please send email to with your name, phone number where you can be reached, and the email subject : cupcake

KIDS CHEF 親子英語クッキング - ナビラさんと英語でフィリピンのおやつづくり
August 18, 2017
■■■ KIDS CHEF 親子英語クッキング
Looking for a way to beat the summer heat with your kids?
Our KIDS CHEF( English cooking class for kids) is upcoming
on this summer break and we are pleased to have Nabila
as our KIDS CHEF instructor !
She is going to show us how to make Halo-halo and Banana cue,
popular Filipino desserts on August 19th at 10:00 am-11:30am
at Artforum Azamino Kitchen.
Enjoy Philippines’ ultimate summer quencher with us and
encourage your child’s culinary curiosity in English !
*This class is suitable for children (UPPER 4 YEAR OLDS) and
a mommy or daddy.
■Date& Time 日時
8月19日(土) SAT. August 19th 10:00AM-11:30 AM
■Venue 会場 3rd floor Kitchen Artforum Azamino
5-minute walk from Azamino station on the Den en Toshi line
or Yokohama Municipal Subway Blue-line
■Cost 参加費
2,000 yen / 1adult and 1child pair 親子1組 ¥2,000
*¥500 for additional child 追加児童1人につき¥500
■Class Size 定員
Limited to 15 parent and child pairs. 先着親子15組
*Classes are filled on first-come basis. Early reservations are encouraged.
■Instructor 講師
Nablia Lim Conde (TESOL qualified English teacher)
■menue メニュー
・Halo Halo フィリピン風かき氷
・Banana Cue キャラメル焼きバナナ
■Registration 申込み
Please send email to with your child’s name,
child’s age, parent ’s name, phone number where you can be reached,
and the email subject : halo halo
件名『halo halo』でお子様のお名前、年齢、保護者名、当日可能な連絡先を明記の上、keiko.scc@gmail.comまでメールにてお申込みください。

GLOBAL KITCHEN-English Cooking “Jahra’s Chicken Biryani“
December 11, 2016
Cooking in English - GLOBAL KITCHEN
“Jahra’s Chicken Biryani“
Why not share some recipes around the world at SCC GLOBAL KITCHEN?
Jahra-san from Bangladeshi shows us how to make her home country’s
authentic ethnic dishes in English !
Chicken Biryani ( Bangladeshi chicken rice )
Chicken Kabab ( ground meat and veggies hamburg steak )
Egg Korma ( boiled egg with korma sauce )
Instructor: Prothoma Jahra
*This is a cooking class instructed in English.
The whole class is hands-on and you are actively involved in the process of cooking.
After cooking the meal, we enjoy dining together.
【Class Date & Time】MON December 12th 10:30AM-12:30 PM
【Venue】Artforum Azamino 3F Kitchen
5 minutes walk from Azamino Station on Den-en–toshi Line or
Yokohama Municipal Subway (Blue Line)
【Cost】2,000 JPY
(Includes facility charges, 3hour cooking class, recipes and the cost of food prepared during class)
【 Class Size 】
Limited to 10 people
*Classes are filled on first-come basis. Early reservations are encouraged.
【 Registration 】Please send email to with your name,
phone number where you can be reached, and email subject: Bangladeshi cooking
*RSVP required before MON.December 5th.
GLOBAL KITCHEN-Cooking in English
ネイティブに習うGLOBAL KITCHENで世界の家庭料理に挑戦しませんか?
講師 : Prothoma Jahra さん
【日時 】12月12日(月)10:30am - 12:30pm
【場所 】アートフォーラムあざみ野3階 調理室
【参加費】 ¥2,000 (会場費、講習代、食材費、レシピ代込み)
【定員】 10名*先着順に受付けますので、お早めにお申し込みください。
【申込み方法】お名前、連絡可能な電話番号を明記の上、件名「バングラデシュ料理」で までメールにてお申込みください。
*お申込みは、12/5 (月)までに。

Ramadhan Food Fair ー イフタールパーティー
June 24, 2016
◉Ramadhan Food Fair ー イフタールパーティー
Experience three countries' Ramadhan dinner !
*日時 Date & Time:
6月25日(土)Sat. JUNE 25th
18:30 PM- 20:30PM
*場所 Place :
スペースナナ Space Nana
*参加費 Participation Fee:
大人 1人 1,500円 (1,500 yen / per person)
小人1人 500円 (500 yen / per child)
*定員 Maximum number : 20席 20 spots Fully Booked!! Thank You!!
*申し込み Registration :
Please send email to
with your name, telephone number and the title : Ramadhan
Registrations must be received by Sharing Caring CULTURE
3 days prior to date of event.

Mustakim’s Malaysian Curry
May 20, 2016
Mustakim’s Malaysian Curry
Delight in the diverse and unique flavors of the Malay food.
Get ready to impress friends and family with your newfound taste!
This is a three hour long,demonstration style class that includes tastings of the recipes made throughout class.
You'll have an opportunity to interact with the instructor and learn a little about Malaysian culture while you enjoy a meal.
Discover how to create a Malaysian meal at Sharing Caring CULTURE’s Multi-Cultural Cooking Class !
Instructor : Mustakim B Kholid
Menu : Malaysian Chicken Curry ; Karipap (Curry puff) ; Roti Jala (Net Bread)
【 Class Date 】 Sat. MAY 21st 10:30AM-1:30 PM
【 Venue 】Rental Space Kadobeya
@ Ishikawacho, Naka-ku, YOKOHAMA
website :
【 Cost 】2,500 JPY per person
(includes a recipe and food prepared during class)
【 Class Size 】
Limited to 10, so early reservations are encouraged.
*Classes are filled on first-come basis
【 Registration 】
Please send email to
with your name, telephone number, and Title : Malaysian Curry
*Registrations must be received by Sharing Caring CULTURE
3 days prior to date of class.
Sharing Caring CULTUREの多文化カルチャー料理講座で
講師:ムスタキム さん
【 日時 】 5月21日(土)10:30AM-1:30 PM
【 会場 】地域交流センターレンタルスペース かどべや
@横浜市中区石川町 website :
【 参加費】お一人2,500 円 (レシピ資料代、食材費込み)
【 定員 】 先着10名
【 申し込み 】
件名『マレーシアカレー』でお名前、当日の連絡先(携帯番号)を明記の上、keiko.scc@gmail.comまで お申し込みください。

親子でパンづくり Family Bread Making Event
April 03, 2016
みんな が すきな たまご や パンってえいごで なんて いうんだろう?
えいご の レシピ を みながら おうち の ひと や がいこく と つながり が ある おともだ ち と いっしょにおいしい パン を
つくろう! えいご あそび を しながらパン が やける の を まつ よ。(スープつき)
<日時> 4月4日(月) 10:00~12:00
<場所> アートフォーラムあざみ野 3F 調理室
<対象・定員> 4歳~小学生の子どもと大人15組 Fully Booked!
<講師> お料理しましょ 主宰 山崎直子 さん
<参加費> 親子1組 ¥2,000 兄弟のご参加は+¥500
<メニュー> ・ハムマヨパン ・スープ
Children loves eating bread !
This cooking event welcome children into the kitchen where parents and kids bake together for a family experience in hands-on style. (Includes soup )
While waiting for the bread to getting baked, we hold an English playtime! Why not come and try bread making with Japanese families?
<Date・Time> April 4th 10:00AM ~12:00
<Place> Artforum Azamino 3F Kitchen
15 Family Pairs /1 Adult (mom or dad) & 1 Child (4-12yrs ) Fully Booked!
Naoko Yamazaki
Has long culinary career and holds cooking class at home.
<Cost> ¥2,000 per Family ¥500 per additional child
<Menu> ・Ham&Mayonaise Bread ・Soup

WASHOKU Kitchen - Thick Sushi Roll
January 22, 2016
Is it hard to make sushi ? Don't feel intimitated.
“Thick sushi roll - futomaki ”is incredibly easy to cook.
Once you learn how to cook sushi rice (flavored with vinegar-based seasonings) properly,you could throw a sushi party with your friends and family!
In this fun, hands-on environment led by professional instructor, you’ll get tips for preparing sushi rice and learn the art of hand rolling. After learning a few essential skills, you’ll enjoy experimenting at home.
Plus we will share some Washoku and Wagashi (Japanese sweet) recipes.
Menu :
・Thick Sushi Roll (Futomaki)
・Simmered Meat and Daikon Radish (Nimono)
・Japanese Cake with Sweet Bean Paste Filling
(Strawberry Daifuku)
【Time】Sat, January 23rd 10:00AM-12:00 AM
【Place】 @Instructor's house in Tamaplaza
>> We will let you know the details of location by email
after you sign up.
【Instructor】 Naoko Yamazaki
Naoko Yamazaki has a long culinary career and holds
cooking classes from home.
【Fee】 3,000 yen
【Max】 5 seats
>> Seats availability are by First-come, First-served.
Please click here
and fill out the form.
Registration deadline>> January 17th
【Cancellation Policy】
* If you cancel 3 days before the event, ¥1,200 per person will
be charged as a cancellation fee.
* If you cancel on the day of the event, 100% of the fee must be
*This event is organised by
Chokkura Home Stay and
Sharing Caring CULTURE

Washoku Kitchen -OSECHI-
November 06, 2015
Cooking ! Eating! and Chatting!
We are going to hold a Japanese traditional new years foods OSECHI workshop facilitated by Japanese cooking instructor in English!
For those interested in Japanese food WASHOKU.
Not to just learn the recipe but to interact with
the people from different countries.
Date : Saturday, November 7th, 2015
Time : 14:00 PM-16:00 PM
Instructor : Naoko Yamazaki
( Has long culinary career and holds cooking class at home
・Kansai-style Traditional New Year's Soup 'Zo-ni'
(soup with rice cakes)
・Date-maki (sweet rolled omelet)
・Kohaku-namasu (sliced daikon and carrot pickled in vinegar)
・Kobu-maki (rolled kelp with fish )
Fee : JPY 4,000
Hurry!!! : Spaces are limited to the first 15 people, so register
Registration >>
Please click here
and fill out the form.
Registration deadline>> October 31st
Cancellation Policy :
* If you cancel 3 days before the event, ¥1,200 per person will
be charged as a cancellation fee.
* If you cancel on the day of the event, 100% of the fee must be
*This event is organised by Chokkura Home Stay and Sharing Caring CULTURE

【Merienda! Zumba! -満員御礼- フィリピンスタイルで真夏の午後を楽しむ】
Lets enjoy cultural exchange and fun with many foreigners and Japanese while eating merienda!
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
【日時 】8月8日 (土)メリェンダ
15時30分〜ズンバ 17時30分〜18時30分
【会場】川崎市高津区溝口1-4-1 ノクティ2 11階
高津市民館 調理室及び体育館
【定員】先着10名 (お子様 先着5名)
大人 : ①メリェンダ+ズンバ 2000円 ②メリェンダのみ 1500円③ ズンバのみ 1000円
子ども : ①メリェンダ +ズンバ 500円②メリェンダのみ 500円③ズンバのみ 無料
【申込み方法】 件名「8月8日イベント」で、参加者のお名前(ふりがな)、

Philippine cuisine
Philippine cuisine
バナナの葉っぱに盛り付けて、手づかみで食べる?!今回は、Sharing Caring CULTURE多文化カルチャー講座開講1周年を記念して、スタッフでフィリピン出身の斉藤ネニタさんにフィリピンスタイルで家庭料理を紹介していただきます。
● 丸ごと揚げたアジフライ
● 海老のココナッツ煮込み
● フルーツサラダ
【会場】アートフォーラムあざみ野3階 生活工房…/c-kita/accessmap/
【講師】斉藤ネニタ さん
【参加費】¥2,000 (材料費、資料代込)
【申込み方法】 件名『6月多文化カルチャー申込み』でお名前、当日のご連絡先(お電話番号)を ご記入の上下記「BOOK NOW」までお申込みください。