"kruco×kruco" cultural diversity project for kids kicked off!
We are going to offer kruco×kruco cultural diversity program for school age children with a sponsorship of docomo mobile communication...

Diversity inclusion themed workshop @ Life Design Lab
A big thank you to everyone who came out to attend the “International Understanding workshop” on July 1st. Three of the inspirational...

Roundtable talk with experts Jun 22.2019
Thank you all for attending the roundtable talk despite the rainy day. We appreciate you coming out and share your concerns with us....

Thank you for attending our kick-off party!
A very warm thank you to everyone who joined our kick-off party on June 2, 2019!!! We enjoyed tasty potluck dishes from Malaysia, Thai,...

Get involved in intercultural activities “kruco × kruco” !
Based in Yokohama, SCC has been hosting intercultural workshops in English since 2014 and providing opportunities for international...

SCC has become Nonprofit!
We are happy to announce that Sharing Caring Culture has certified as a nonprofit organization by Yokohama city on April 3rd and...

Medical Emergency Seminar @ Lafull childcare support center
We are so excited to announce that we held a medical emergency seminar with Lafull and Aoba International Lounge on March 20th and a lot...

GLOBAL CAFE 〜 スウェーデンの難民児童・青年受入れの事例から考える 〝ダイバーシティ〝~
<English follows Japanese> 連休の最終日、11人のご参加者にお越しいただき、Makiko-sanと一緒に、とても実りのある時間をもてました。Makiko-sanはスウェーデン在住16年、その移民難民施設ご勤務経験のお話は、非常に現実的でした。どのよ...

Family Fun! English cooking -Thick Sushi Rolls Jan 19.2019
Thank you to everyone who joined our English cooking event yesterday!!! We welcomed 13 families and enjoyed hands-on family cooking. The...

Family Fun! Thai Cooking in English
A big thank you to everyone who attended our Family Thai cooking yesterday! Thai instructor, Eve taught us wonderful dishes of her home...