VIDA English Playgroup
Please scroll down for English description

Non-Japanese parents and children seeking connections in the area can join the Arts and Crafts Playgroup held at the community space in Aoba and Tsuzuki ward.
Starting in September 2014, this is a group of parents and pre-school children who come from a range of cultural backgrounds. Through arts and crafts activities, such as paper toy making, we offer a chance to learn other people’s cultures and values and interact with other families.
▼2019年 10月の開催日時: 10/8(火)10:30-11:30
センター北 都筑MY PLAZA, ノースポートモール 5F
あざみ野 アートフォーラムあざみ野 子どもの部屋
▼2019年 11月の開催日時: 11/15(木)10:30-11:30
あざみ野 アートフォーラムあざみ野 子どもの部屋
センター北 都筑MY PLAZA, ノースポートモール 5F
参加費: 親子1組 500円 *クラフト代込み
ファシリテーター:Elena Quesada Díaz
▼Playgroup session for October 2019:
Tue, October 8th 10:30 am-11:30 am
Venue: Tsuzuki Myplaza 5F Northport mall, Center Kita
Thu, October 31st 10:30 am-12:00 pm
Venue: 1f Kids room, Artforum Azamino
▼Playgroup session for November 2019:
Thu, November 15th 10:30 am-11:30 am
Venue: 1f Kids room, Artforum Azamino
Mon, November 25th 10:30 am-11:30 am
Venue: Tsuzuki Myplaza 5F Northport mall, Center Kita
Participation Fee:¥500 /per family
*Includes craft material cost
Facilitator:Elena Quesada Díaz
* Reserve your spot by emailing