Get involved in intercultural activities “kruco × kruco” !
Based in Yokohama, SCC has been hosting intercultural workshops in English since 2014 and providing opportunities for international people to contribute their knowledge, experience, and skills, regardless of their Japanese ability.
We named this activity “ kruco ×kruco”,“ cross × cross” in Esperanto aiming to promote international friendships and understanding among the people in the community through activities, which would feature music, dance, arts and crafts, sewing or home cooking.
In fiscal 2018, SCC held 7 sessions of “ kruco ×kruco” family cooking with the grants offered by the city of Yokohama and published a leaflet to promote international people’s engagement.
Share your experience and skills! It will also get you connected to the community/people.
#sharingcaringculture #krucokruco #interculturalactivities #multiculturalsociety #communityengagement #nonprofit#yokohama #shareyourculture #differenceisgood#introduceyourcultureatkrucokruco