Pop-up Playground ! October 10th 2016

THANK YOU to everyone who joined us for Pop-up Playground today!
We are a bit worried about the weather but it didn't rain!
It will be 4 months since we were inspired by "Pop-Up Adventure Playgrounds" held in the UK & US and started to prepare.There were a couple of difficulties such as collecting cardboard boxes and arranging the recycle truck to pick up,however it was all cleared with the cooperation who supported us.
We can't thank you enough to make this happen.
Special thanks go out to the members of the Non-Profit Organization bond place, who came all the way from Yamanashi just to help us.
Look at these wonderful pictures they took ! Thanks!
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Pop-up Playground にご参加くださった皆様、ありがとうございました!
私たちがイギリスやアメリカで行われている "Pop-Up Adventure Playgrounds" からアイディアを得て、この企画の準備を始めて4ヶ月近く。ダンボール集めや最後使ったダンボールを回収するリサイクル業者探しなど大変なこともありましたが、応援してくださる方々にご協力いただき、なんとか乗り越えることができました。
そして、山梨からはるばるお手伝いに来てくれたNPO法人bond placeのメンバーには、こんなステキな写真を撮っていただきました!本当にありがとう!