Drawing with scissors- Family art event March 19th 2017
Thank you to everyone who joined our Family Art event !
Children had great fun participating and they seemed like they enjoyed "drawing with scissors”.
We started off by listening to a story of Henri Matisse : Henri’s Scissors in English and Japanese. It was so cute that one child were wondering why Matisse got ill and asking the storyteller about it.
After introducing Matisse, the facilitator demonstrated some of the cuts and arranged paper as Matisse did to make collages. Children then chose the color for their background paper and the paper designated for cutting. The facilitator explained that Matisse cut directly into the paper using his scissors as a pencil, so we encouraged the children neither trace nor start with a pre-cut shape, use their scissors to cut directly into the paper, just as Matisse did.The child and parent pair were talking each other what they can make with all the shapes they have cut out.
It really was a fantastic day!
Next Family Art event will be scheduled in summer.