Crafting × Points of You -May 13.2018
Let us share what Mothers were given by their kids on Happy Mother' s day, May-13 (Sun)!
Kids created a Thank-you card with a professional child-care staff, following a story time of “Okaasan sugoi!” . The little artists showed their fantastic skills to express a big Thank-you, by using colorful papers, ribbons, tapes, buttons etc.
Meanwhile, Mothers enjoyed "Points of You”, a self-discovery workshop. Away from kids for 1 hour, Mothers spent a precious time by talking about the several roles that they have been taking such as Mother, Wife, Professional role etc.
After sharing what they enjoy, what they struggle with, they ended up honoring their tremendous devotion to their family! It was very refreshing and turned out a great gift to Mothers! At the end of the workshop, Kids amazed Mothers by the 2nd gift, beautiful cards that they just created.
Everything was done in a very international environment with Mothers from diverse cultural backgrounds. SCC will continuously support this beautiful diversity.
Facilitated by: Mayumi Matsuda(Points of You) Masumi Asari, Keiko Misaka (child-care)